Forum rules



New topics may need authorising before they are seen on the forum this will be done asap by the MPSOC team.

Once a new topic is posted it will be locked and buyers should contact the seller by PM. ANY post made before the topic is locked will be deleted so please ensure you only send PM to seller with your intention to buy

Items offered for sale must be yours, no links to other people’s stuff on other forums or 'listing on behalf of a mate' etc.

Please post a full ad using the standard format below with a description of the item for sale.

If this format is not used then the thread will be deleted.

The ad must state a price that you'd be happy to accept for the item. A price with 'or offers' or something similar is fine, just asking for offers is not.

A picture must be included at the SAME TIME as placing the advert or it will be deleted.

Please state whether you are prepared to post or deliver the item, and whether the cost of delivery is included in the asking price. If it is a large item for collection only, then please state your location.

No eBay links - we have a section for items on ebay please use this.

No 'gauging interest' threads - the item is either for sale or it is not.

Once sold please PM a member of the MPSOC team to have the topic moved to the sold section, however all 'for sale' threads will be moved after 3 months (from original posting date) to the sold section so it is up to the seller to re-advertise if required.

Lastly, please be cautious when purchasing items for sale advertised here or anywhere else. The use of this forum to advertise items for sale does not give or imply any guarantee by the forum, its administrators or moderators, as to the trustworthiness of the seller or the suitability of the item for its intended use. The forum is only a medium for advertisement; the forum, its administrators and moderators accept no liability for any loss or damage arising from the advertisement of an item for sale or any subsequent transaction.


Subject - Item For Sale

Description - Full description including (as a minimum), condition, how old, on or off vehicle, and what it does.

Price - Do NOT just say open for offers please state a price with ONO if you would like. Postage included, collection only or additional. If collection post location and distance you are happy to travel.(if applicable)

Photo - NOT a link to another website, please attach or use copy and paste from a photo site (like photobucket etc.)



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Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:13 pm

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